
MillWatcher actively monitors your wind turbine and check if there are problems. This means, that the system calls the wind turbines every day, even when it has not reported any problems.

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Kalenda is a planning tool for companies, that need an overview of the weekly activities and work scheduling.  With Kalenda you can release time for the important work.

.Kalenda-logo-greenbyte i horsens - Kopi

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EnergyMaster is a monitoring system, which gives an overview of your energy consumption. With EnergyMaster you can discover changes in you normal energy consumption.

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We offer consultancy work. If you need a specific solution to optimize your software, we offer help and consulting in software programming of user friendly software.


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MillWatcher ApS has changed company name to Greenbyte

The name MillWatcher can no longer apply as our  company name, because of the increasing development, activities and new products. MillWatcher is still a big part of Greenbyte, but now only the name of the online wind turbine monitoring product.

Since 2005 Millwatcher has been the name of our company and the product as well. But as we are expanding, we need a broader and more accurate name. Thus we have changed our company name to Greenbyte. Greenbte resembles, that we are a software company in the sustainable energy business.

Even though we have changed our company name, it will not have any effect on you. The product MillWatcher still exists in its current form . Perhaps you will notice the new name in letters, emails, and when you call us. You can learn more about our MillWatcher product here:

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News: Greenbyte launces new product – Kalenda

Kalenda is the newest member of our product line. Kalenda is a planing tool for companies, who need an overview of the weekly activities and planning. Get an automatic tool for contact with temporary workers or employees.


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